Photography This Week: Travel Photography

Photography This Week: Travel Photography Edition

In an effort to pretend the ground outside isn’t covered in a sheet of ice (it is), we’re going to go ahead and look at some travel photography best practices. Most of us probably don’t have trips planned at this time of the year, but we know they’re upcoming, and since we’re all very good at planning and setting ourselves up for success, you can never start too early.

The straightforward, practical advice in our first article can be put to use by any photographer, anywhere at any level, but sometimes we forget the basics and overcomplicate things. Anna’s advice is straightfoward, usable and clearly comes from experience.

If you’ve never travelled by train, friend, you do not know what you’re missing. Abi nails it right of the gate, though–you’re going to be in an enclosed space with awkward angles and people squeezing by you. Be polite, but know they’re going to think you’re a weirdo. Ignore that part.

There’s a number of items in Peter’s piece on preparing for a trip that, despite having gone on multiple domestic and international trips with a load of camera gear, I hadn’t thought to put into action. Really smart advice from the trenches there.

And, in our contest section…travel contests! There are opportunities to win a trip to a bunch of places, from Disney all the way to Vietnam to Africa.

Travel Photography: Stretch Your Comfort Zone

Six Easy Travel Photography Tips for Beginners


Don’t compose every shot perfectly. For some of us, me included, this can daunting. I can guarantee, again from experience that you’ll miss golden opportunities waiting for your subject to be in the perfect position. Just keep clicking away.

Takeaway: There’s so much good, basic info in this short piece, but I really like the emphasis on not getting the perfect shot, but just getting the shot. Good planning sets you up for success, but don’t be a stickler for it once you’re out in the field.

17 Ways To Take Better Photos From Trains


1) Prepare to look like a fool

Takeaway: Trains! I love travel by train. I’ve gone out of my way to take journeys on trains. It’s the best way to travel, and this excellent piece provides some basics to set you up for shooting on those journeys.

How to Prepare for an International Photo Trip


I believe the world contains more people that do the right thing than the bad thing, and the odds are in favor of one of those people finding your gear.

Takeaway: There are some basic, super practical steps you can take to prepare yourself and your gear before a big trip, and it doesn’t have to be overwhelming!


Disney Parks Then and Now

Deadline: 3/9/15

Subject Matter: Not a lot of preparing you can do for this one. Find a favorite photo from a trip to a Disney theme park and submit it. You could win another trip, which is pretty exciting.

Travel Becomes You

Deadline: 3/15/15

Subject Matter: Submit your photos from travels in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America for a chance to win an African safari or trip to Australia. Several different categories here. Looks to be a pretty exciting contest.

Explore the Elements Photo Contest

Deadline: 3/16/15

Subject Matter: An interesting take on the contest idea, you’ll need to submit a set of travel photos via blog post.

#ExcitingVietnam #zoolutContest

Deadline: 3/20/15

Subject Matter: Submit your best tropical destination travel photo(s) via social media to win a trip to Vietnam.

Bonus: Net Neutrality

Why the FCC’s New Net Neutrality Rules are Good for the Internet

Takeaway: The FCC’s move to regulate the Internet as a public utility negates the gatekeeping ability of telecom giants, like Comcast and Verizon. I don’t quite understand the opposition to this (unless you’re Verizon or Comcast).

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