Exciting times! I’ve expanded my photography empire by opening an Etsy photography store: Stovall General Store.
For those who might not be acquainted with Etsy, it’s an online marketplace geared towards crafters and “makers.” (I use “makers” in the real sense—people who make stuff, tangible items, and not people who write code.) It’s a pretty phenomenal place to find gifts, and Etsy tends to be pretty good about fees and such. Listings are twenty cents for four months, and there’s a small fee if something is purchased, though I don’t really remember what it is right now. I’m sure I’ll have more opinions on that if someone actually buys something. In any case, photographers on Etsy can sell digital prints of their work.
I’ve only stocked it with a handful of photographs so far, but I’ll be adding to it every couple of days. I’d like to see what gets traction and then move towards producing some of those sorts of images. I’m excited because this is a new way of thinking of the photography I’ve been doing. Typically, I just shoot for friends and acquaintances (and for fun), but trying to think through what he consumer wants in an digital print is a whole new challenge, not to mention the marketing aspects (like optimizing for different kinds of search, getting on the Etsy homepage, etc). Should be a lot of fun.
Moving forward, I’ll be profiling some of the images I place for sale in a new category: Etsy Photography. If you’d like to support, but don’t want to buy, take a look at the store and favorite a few photos or even the store itself. That’ll help me a lot. Thanks!
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